Mennonite World Conference shifts Assembly to 2022
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Mennonite World Conference (MWC) decided to postpone the global Assembly until 2022: 5–10 July.
In close consultation with the National Advisory Committee in host country Indonesia, the Executive Committee of MWC has decided not to hold the international gathering in 2021 as originally announced.
“The COVID-19 pandemic continues to infect hundreds of thousands of people each day. Restrictions of large group gathers are still in place and travel is not advised. These limitations will remain in place for many more months. The likelihood we can safely gather in person as a global family for group worship, service and learning in 2021 seems low. To allow both MWC staff and attendees to properly plan for the event, we have chosen to postpone it to 2022,” says MWC president J. Nelson Kraybill.
“The Indonesian Mennonite churches are committed to hosting the Assembly in Indonesia. Please continue to pray for the healing of the world, and for the Assembly,” says Rev. Paulus Widjaja, chair of National Advisory Council.
“The Assembly venues will remain the same. The gathering will still happen in Semarang at Holy Stadium at the beginning of July – but in 2022,” says Chief International Events Officer Liesa Unger. “Similarly, the Global Youth Summit will remain in Salatiga, but will shift to 1–4 July in 2022 instead.”
For more Assembly information:
Mennonite World Conference