Mennonites Against Militarism
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Mennonites Against Militarism: reigniting the Anabaptist peace witness
Mennonites Against Militarism is a project of the Peace and Justice Support Network in collaboration with Mennonite Church USA and Mennonite Central Committee. — Mennonite Mission Network
Refusing to fight in wars has long been a part of the Anabaptist peace witness. But in the United States, in an era of near-constant war without a military draft, this resistance has faded. A new resource, Mennonites Against Militarism, seeks to reinvigorate a collective voice for peace.
Mennonites Against Militarism is a project of the Peace and Justice Support Network in collaboration with Mennonite Church USA and Mennonite Central Committee.
“After so many years of so-called endless war that began in the aftermath of 9/11, much of our country and even our church has grown accustomed to the exaggerated influence militarism exerts,” said Jason Boone, coordinating minister of PJSN for Mennonite Mission Network.
Titus Peachey, director of peace education at MCC and a member of the Mennonites Against Militarism reference group, said militarism “permeates politics, economics, academic institutions, the entertainment industry, the media, national celebrations and religion, creating a mutually reinforcing web of interests that profits from fear.”
Mennonites Against Militarism wants to clarify that being against militarism does not mean being against people who serve in the military. It stands against the structures and systems that harm those who serve as well.
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Das trifft auch für Europa zu, das Friedenszeugnis neu stärken und aktiv Frieden vorbereiten ist eine stetige Aufgabe die sich aus der Nachfolge Jesu Christi gibt.
Mennoniten aktiv gegen Militarismus, gegen jede Fom von verletzender Gewalt. Gewaltfreiheit als oberstes Ziel. Gottes Frieden und Gerechtigkeit sollen in dieser Welt Gestalt annehmen. Sich für Frieden und Gerechtigkeit einzusetzen. Militär, KriegsdienstMennoniten, Militarismus, Mennoniteten gegen militärische Wertvorstellungen.